Data protection law

Please note that in the course of the performance of the booking as well as the rental process, DRIVE ME BARCELONA collects some personal data. It is mandatory to provide all the information requested; in the absence of such information, DRIVE ME BARCELONA will not be able to correctly ensure the booking and/or the rental. Your data will be stored in a data base from DRIVE ME BARCELONA, and might be used for commercial purposes and/or to inform you about new offers, products and promotions.

In case commercial communications is through email, and conforming with Law 34/2002 de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electronico, you consent commercial information to be sent to you through this channel. You can unsubscribe this consent through a request to

The purpose of the assignment or, where appropriate, is the transfer of your data to an a centralized global data whose aim is the control, management and execute of contracted services for our customers and, where appropriate, addressing administrative procedures that might result from such relationship (Vgr. traffic violations), and improve the delivery of services offered to our customers. In the latter case, your data may be transferred to states with no comparable level of protection to the LOPD, although exclusively for the execution of the contract with you as well as, where appropriate, management and control responsibilities arising from the contractual relationship. Likewise, your data may be transferred to other companies in the transport and tourism now or in the future collaborate in activities conducted by DRIVE ME BARCELONA, SL to develop promotional activities. In any case, we inform you that you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation of their personal data, by writing to the email DRIVE ME BARCELONA, SL complying with the requirements of the data protection regulations, particularly the Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, also informs you that you can stay in treatment with your data once the contractual relationship if there had been a breach of these Terms and Conditions of Rental able to resolve and manage the present and subsequent provision of services is completed.

In your case, if for some reason you have a certain debt, due and payable debt DRIVE ME BARCELONA, SL payment of which had previously been required without having been satisfied, you can move that information to a file of data–base information about creditworthiness and credit, as required by current regulations. Likewise, we inform you that your personal data as well as a copy of your lease may be transferred, with the sole purpose of completing the requirements of the competent authorities to potential sanctions bring traffic infringements cause during the rental period. Finally, we inform you that, in relation to the processing of data, which may enable the exercise of their rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation of your personal data, by written communication addressed to

+34 661 64 07 40